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Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Best places to visit in Belgium and Holland 2023


Best places to visit in Belgium and Holland 2023

Belgium and Holland are two neighbouring countries that are located in Europe. They are known for their beautiful landscapes and delicious food. Here is our list of the 10 best places to visit in Belgium and Holland 2023:

Best places to visit in Belgium and Holland 2023


Belgium is one of Europe's most fascinating regions, with a great deal to offer both tourists and locals.

Belgium is one of Europe's most fascinating regions, with a great deal to offer both tourists and locals. The capital city of Brussels offers an array of artistic treasures and cultural institutions that are sure to delight visitors from around the world. In addition, Belgium boasts some incredible natural beauty in its rural areas and mountainous region near the French border—a perfect location for hiking or biking trips if you want some fresh air away from city life!

The official languages are Dutch (Flemish), French and German. The currency used in Belgium is euro; however US dollars are widely accepted at many tourist sites like museums or hotels as well as restaurants serving international cuisine such as Belgian waffles or mussels cooked with beer broth served over rice noodles topped off with cheese sauce drizzled on top - perfect!

Here is our list of the 10 best places to visit in Belgium.

Bruges is a beautiful city with a medieval feel. It's also home to some of the best preserved medieval buildings in Europe, including Ghent and Antwerp.

Ghent is one of Belgium’s oldest cities, dating back to the 11th century. Its cobblestone streets are lined with shops selling everything from antiques to clothes and souvenirs from all over the world. You can also visit one of Europe's largest churches called St Peter & Paul Cathedral which was built between 1722-1730 by an architect named Pieter Scheemaecker who was commissioned by Archduke Leopold Wilhelm II who became king when his father died suddenly."

Best places to visit in Belgium and Holland 2023

  • Belgium is a beautiful country with a lot of history and culture. It's filled with castles, towns, and cities that are worth visiting.

  • Holland has lots of great museums where you can learn about their history and culture. There are also lots of things to do like bike riding or hiking through the forested areas near the coastlines which make it one of my favorite countries to visit!

Romantic places to visit in Belgium

Belgium is a beautiful country with lots of attractions. It's also one of the best places to visit in Europe, so you'll find yourself falling in love with this country as soon as you arrive. Here are some romantic places to visit in Belgium:

  • Ghent - This medieval city is full of history and architecture that will make your heart melt! If you're looking for something unique then this is definitely it!

  • Bruges - This city has been around since Roman times and still has many great things going on today! You can see castles from all over Europe here there's no shortage of cool things to do here either :)

Hotels to stay in belgium

Belgium is a beautiful country with lots to do and see. There are so many hotels in Belgium, but there are also some cheap places to stay too! If you’re looking for luxury hotels, we have those too.



If you want budget accommodations while visiting Brussels or Antwerp, I recommend staying at Hotel De Vlaamse Leeuw (a hostel). It’s located near the main train station and has free breakfast included!

Flights to Belgium

If you're looking to explore Belgium, a short flight is the best way to get there. The country's main international airports have direct flights from major cities around Europe and beyond, including Paris, London and Amsterdam.



If you'd like something more local (and less expensive), make sure your travel dates are flexible so that you can choose whether or not it makes sense for you to take advantage of a longer-distance flight or stay closer by taking an indirect flight instead—the latter being cheaper but requires more planning on both ends of your trip!

Famous food in Belgium

Belgium is known for its beer and chocolate, but it also has some great food. Frites (French fries) are a staple of Belgian cuisine, but there are other fantastic options too: waffles, cheese and chocolate!

Waffles tend to be smaller than American-style pancakes; they're usually eaten with toppings like whipped cream or honey syrup. Some people prefer their waffles crispy on the outside but soft in the middle; others prefer them softer so that they can cut them into squares with an ice cream scoop. Waffles can be baked or fried at home in your own kitchen—but if you're traveling abroad and don't have time to do this yourself before heading out on another adventure around town, ask someone else along who does know how!

Things to do in Belgium

You can do so many things in Belgium, but you need to have the time and money. There are some places that you should definitely visit if you want to have an unforgettable trip:

  • The beach

  • The park

  • The zoo (a must-see)

You can also go to museums, casinos, cinemas and theaters if you want something more relaxing.

But if you’re more into partying, then you can visit the bars and clubs in Brussels. There are a lot of them, so it will be easy for you to find one that suits your taste.


  • Antwerp

  • Aachen

  • Amsterdam

  • Arlon, Luxembourg (close to France)

  • Assen, Netherlands (close to Germany)

  • Barendrecht, The Netherlands

  • Bruges, Belgium

  • Brussels (capital city of Belgium), France and Germany


Noord-Brabant is a province of the Netherlands. It is located in the south of the country and borders on Belgium, Limburg, Gelderland, Zeeland and North Brabant.

The province has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1996 because of its beautiful architecture. This includes many churches and castles built during this time period (1250-1815).

The capital city is Tilburg which has been designated as one of Europe's best preserved medieval towns by European Cities of Culture Foundation in their 2010 list for cultural tourism development along with Antwerp Belgium (Belgium), Amsterdam Netherlands


Schoveningen is a city in the western Netherlands, located in the province of South Holland. The Hague is the seat of government of the Netherlands and its judicial capital.


UTRECHT is a city in the Netherlands. It's beautiful, has many things to see and do and it's great for food!


Brussels is the capital and largest city of Belgium, as well as one of the three official languages in that country. It's also an important political center, hosting many international institutions.

Brussels was founded in 1180 by Count Baldwin V, who built a castle on what would later become known as Ixelles (a district). The town grew quickly after this and became an important medieval trading center between France and Germany. By the late 19th century it had become one of Europe's most important industrial cities—and one of its most cosmopolitan ones too!

Today there are many tourist attractions in Brussels including an impressive number of museums (including those dedicated to fine art), beautiful parks such as Royal Forest Garden or Plantin-Moretus Museum Park (both located close to Grote Markt Square), numerous churches spread around several neighborhoods with their own unique vibe like Saint Catherine Church located close by Namur Monument where you can see some significant landmarks such as Reformed Cathedral Square with its impressive tower rising up high above everything else around here...or just walk down Rue Royale which offers plenty more places worth visiting while enjoying your stay here too!


Bergen is a city and municipality in Hordaland on the west coast of Norway. It's one of the most visited cities in Norway, especially during summer months when it's easy to find good weather and activities. The town has three million visitors per year, making it one of the most popular destinations on this list.

Bergen is also known for being home to dozens of restaurants, bars and clubs that serve local cuisine such as fish soup or seafood platters with mussels, shrimp & lobster tempura (which you can order at any bar or restaurant). You'll also find bakeries where they sell fresh bread rolls filled with cream cheese & strawberry jam - these are delicious! If you're not into food there are plenty of other activities to keep your busy too: hiking trails through forests full o f trees like pine trees; cycling along scenic coastal paths; kayaking around islands off shore from Bergen harbor; wandering around medieval churches built centuries ago by kings who ruled over parts


  • Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands.

  • It's a city of canals and bridges, with a rich history and a lively cultural life.

  • Amsterdam is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe, with more than seven million visitors annually.*


Antwerp, Belgium

Antwerp is a beautiful city in Belgium. It has the best chocolate in the world and diamonds are also made here. This city is known for its diamonds which makes it a great place to visit if you love jewelry or just want to see something different than what you’ve been seeing on your travels around Europe so far!


Leiden is a beautiful city in the Netherlands. It's small and charming, with lots to do if you're in the area. You can also get great views of Leiden from various points around town!

  • The city center has some great restaurants, both traditional Dutch fare and more modern fusion options. There are also many museums that are open year-round (like Anne Frank House) as well as summer festivals like De Parade Street Art Festival or Kompas Weekender Music Festival.

  • If you want something active instead of just sitting around eating ice cream cones all day long then there are plenty of opportunities for groups or individuals who want something more physical than just sitting at home watching Netflix all day long! For example: tennis courts nearby give people an opportunity not only meet new people but also get fit together while staying active together outside their homes without having any actual interaction whatsoever besides being near each other physically within proximity range but not physically touching unless specifically invited yet still feeling comfortable enough not only using social media platforms like Facebook Messenger rather than text messaging due towards improved privacy settings between sender & receiver parties involved in initiating conversation threads which allows users access certain features such as video calls/chatting sessions rather than sending written emails back forth anymore since those kinds


Nijmegen, Netherlands

Nijmegen is a city in the province of Gelderland, Netherlands. It is home to the beautiful Keukenhof Gardens, which are open from March through October each year. In addition to these great attractions, there are many other things to do in Nijmegen during your trip!

Belgium and Netherlands are beautiful places to visit

Belgium and Netherlands are beautiful places to visit. They are one of the best countries in Europe and they have a lot of things to do, like visiting museums and castles, going on a bike ride through the countryside or simply enjoying your time at one of the many beaches along their coastline.

Belgium has an interesting history that makes it worth visiting even today: from its medieval period through modern times; from being under French rule until 1830 when it became independent again until 1940 when Germany invaded them during World War II (and occupied them until 1944). Then after World War II ended in 1945 Belgium was split into two parts because some people wanted independence while others wanted integration within France's borders so Belgium ended up being divided between Wallonia situated south west side by language/culture difference from Brussels located north east side by language/culture difference

Weather in Belgium in December

If you're thinking of taking a trip to Belgium in December, be prepared for some cold weather! The average high temperature in December is only about 41 degrees Fahrenheit, and the average low is around 32 degrees. However, it's not all bad news - Belgium actually has some pretty mild winters overall, so you won't have to worry about too much snow or anything like that. Just be sure to pack your warmest clothes and you'll be all set!

Places to visit in Belgium by train

There are many places to visit in Belgium by train. Travelocity can help you plan your trip and find the best routes. Brussels, the capital of Belgium, is a great place to start. The city is home to many historical and cultural attractions, as well as excellent shopping and dining. Other popular destinations include Bruges, Antwerp, and Ghent. Each of these cities has its own unique charm and there is much to see and do in each one. Train travel in Belgium is efficient and convenient, so be sure to take advantage of it when planning your next trip!


We hope you enjoyed reading our list of the best places to visit in Belgium and Holland. We've got a lot more information on these destinations, as well as other great destinations across Europe, so be sure to check out our other articles on the topic!

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