bookmark at folkd SKR TRAVEL &INSURANCE DEALS: Explore the Natural Beauty of Great Romania and Bulgaria Tours on Your Next Awesome Vacation for the first time

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Explore the Natural Beauty of Great Romania and Bulgaria Tours on Your Next Awesome Vacation for the first time


Romania and Bulgaria tours


When it comes to planning an unforgettable vacation, Eastern Europe often remains an underrated gem. Romania and Bulgaria, two neighboring countries, offer an abundance of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and awe-inspiring landscapes. From the majestic Carpathian Mountains in Romania to the pristine beaches along the Black Sea in Bulgaria, these destinations promise an unforgettable experience. In this blog post, we will delve into the mesmerizing natural beauty and captivating attractions that await you on your Romania and Bulgaria tours. So pack your bags, embark on a journey, and get ready to explore these breathtaking destinations.

Romania and Bulgaria tours.
Romania and Bulgaria tours


1.  Discover the Enchanting Landscapes of Romania

1.1 The Carpathian Mountains: Nature's Magnificent Playground The Carpathian Mountains in Romania are a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers. Home to diverse flora and fauna, this mountain range offers breathtaking scenery, hiking trails, and thrilling wildlife encounters. Whether you're an avid hiker or simply want to enjoy the serene beauty of the mountains, the Carpathians will leave you spellbound.

1.2 The Danube Delta: A Haven for Wildlife Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Danube Delta is a mesmerizing natural wonder. It is the second-largest river delta in Europe and is home to an array of unique ecosystems, rare bird species, and stunning waterways. Explore the delta by boat, go birdwatching, or immerse yourself in the tranquil surroundings – the Danube Delta is a nature lover's paradise.

1.3 Transylvania: History and Myth Combined Transylvania, a region in central Romania, is renowned for its fascinating blend of history, culture, and legends. Explore medieval towns such as Brasov and Sighisoara, visit the iconic Bran Castle, often associated with the legend of Dracula, and wander through picturesque landscapes dotted with charming villages. Transylvania is a captivating destination that will transport you back in time.

2.  Immerse Yourself in Bulgaria's Natural Splendor

2.1 The Black Sea Coast: Sun, Sand, and Serenity Bulgaria's coastline along the Black Sea is a hidden gem that offers pristine beaches, vibrant resorts, and a laid-back atmosphere. From the popular resort towns of Sunny Beach and Golden Sands to secluded coves and picturesque fishing villages, the Black Sea Coast has something for everyone. Soak up the sun, indulge in water sports, or simply relax and unwind in this coastal paradise.

2.2 Rila National Park: A Hiker's Paradise Located in southwestern Bulgaria, Rila National Park is a paradise for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers. Home to the awe-inspiring Rila Mountains and the iconic Rila Monastery, this national park offers stunning alpine scenery, crystal-clear lakes, and challenging hiking trails. Climb Mount Musala, the highest peak in the Balkans, and be rewarded with breathtaking panoramic views.

2.3 Pirin National Park: Nature's Masterpiece Pirin National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is another natural wonder in Bulgaria that should not be missed. The park boasts majestic peaks, glacial lakes, and ancient pine forests, making it a haven for hiking, mountaineering, and wildlife spotting. The picturesque town of Bansko, nestled at the foot of the Pirin Mountains, offers a perfect base for exploring this natural masterpiece.

3.  Experience the Rich Cultural Heritage

3.1 Bucharest: Romania's Eclectic Capital No visit to Romania is complete without exploring Bucharest, the country's vibrant capital. From the grand architecture of the Palace of the Parliament to the charming streets of the Old Town, Bucharest offers a fascinating mix of history, culture, and modernity. Immerse yourself in the bustling atmosphere, visit museums and art galleries, and savor the local cuisine in traditional restaurants.

3.2 Sofia: Bulgaria's Ancient Capital In Bulgaria, Sofia, the capital city, is a treasure trove of history and culture. Explore the ancient Serdica complex, admire the stunning Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, and stroll through the charming streets of the city center. Sofia seamlessly combines its rich past with modern influences, making it a captivating destination for history buffs and culture enthusiasts.

4.  Indulge in Culinary Delights

4.1 Romanian Cuisine: A Fusion of Flavors Embark on a culinary adventure in Romania and savor the diverse flavors of its traditional cuisine. From hearty dishes like sarmale (cabbage rolls) and mici (grilled minced meat rolls) to mouthwatering desserts like papanași (fried doughnuts with sour cream and jam), Romanian cuisine is a delightful fusion of influences from neighboring countries. Don't forget to try tuica, a strong plum brandy, for a true taste of Romania.

4.2 Bulgarian Cuisine: Tantalize Your Taste Buds Bulgarian cuisine is known for its fresh ingredients, vibrant flavors, and hearty dishes. Sample traditional delights such as banitsa (cheese-filled pastry), Shopska salad (a refreshing mix of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and feta cheese), and kavarma (a delicious meat and vegetable stew). Indulge in the famous Bulgarian yogurt, renowned for its health benefits, and raise a glass of rakia, a fruit brandy, to toast to the culinary delights of Bulgaria.

5.  Festivals and Traditions

5.1 Romanian Folklore: A Window into Tradition Romania's rich folklore and traditional festivals offer a glimpse into its vibrant culture. Witness lively folk dances, colorful costumes, and captivating music during events such as the Romanian Folk Art Festival in Bucharest or the "Hora Unirii" celebration, a mass dance symbolizing unity. Immerse yourself in the local traditions, join in the festivities, and create cherished memories of Romania's cultural heritage.

5.2 Bulgarian Festivals: Celebrations of Tradition Bulgaria is no stranger to vibrant festivals that showcase its cultural heritage. Experience the Kukeri festival, where participants don elaborate masks and costumes to chase away evil spirits, or join the Rose Festival in Kazanlak, celebrating the country's rose-growing industry. Engage with the locals, learn about their customs and traditions, and be a part of the festive spirit that permeates Bulgaria's cultural events.

6.  Planning Your Romania and Bulgaria Tour

6.1 Choosing the Right Tour Operator To make the most of your Romania and Bulgaria tour, consider choosing a reputable tour operator that specializes in Eastern European destinations. Look for operators with extensive knowledge and experience in the region, as they can provide valuable insights, organize seamless itineraries, and ensure your safety and comfort throughout the trip.

6.2 Ideal Time to Visit Both Romania and Bulgaria have distinct seasons, each offering its own charm. Spring (April to June) and autumn (September to October) are generally considered the best times to visit, as the weather is pleasant, and the landscapes are in full bloom or adorned with autumn colors. However, if you wish to experience winter sports or the festive holiday atmosphere, winter can be an enchanting time to visit.

6.3 Must-See Destinations and Attractions While this blog post has highlighted some of the key attractions, there are numerous other destinations and attractions worth exploring in Romania and Bulgaria. Don't miss iconic sites like Peles Castle in Romania or the ancient city of Plovdiv in Bulgaria. Research and create an itinerary that aligns with your interests, ensuring a well-rounded experience of the natural beauty and cultural richness of both countries.

7.  Safety and Travel Tips

7.1 Safety Precautions While both Romania and Bulgaria are generally safe countries to visit, it's always important to take certain safety precautions. Be mindful of your belongings, especially in crowded tourist areas, and avoid displaying signs of wealth. It's recommended to carry a copy of your passport and important documents, while keeping the originals in a secure place. Stay informed about any travel advisories or safety updates from your country's embassy or consulate.

7.2 Local Customs and Etiquette Respect for local customs and traditions is essential when visiting Romania and Bulgaria. Familiarize yourself with basic etiquette, such as greeting people with a handshake, respecting personal space, and using polite phrases in the local language, such as "Mulțumesc" in Romanian and "Благодаря" (Blagodarya) in Bulgarian, which mean "Thank you."

7.3 Transportation and Getting Around Both Romania and Bulgaria have well-developed transportation networks, making it relatively easy to get around. In major cities, you can use public transportation like buses, trams, and metros. For longer distances, consider renting a car or hiring a private driver. Keep in mind that road conditions may vary, particularly in rural areas, so exercise caution while driving.

7.4 Currency and Payments In Romania, the official currency is the Romanian Leu (RON), while in Bulgaria, it's the Bulgarian Lev (BGN). It's advisable to carry some cash for small purchases and in case of emergencies. Credit cards are widely accepted in most establishments, but it's a good idea to inform your bank about your travel plans to avoid any issues with card usage abroad.

8.  Capture Your Memories

Don't forget to document your incredible journey through Romania and Bulgaria. From stunning landscapes to colorful festivals and historic landmarks, there will be countless photo opportunities. Carry a good camera or use your smartphone to capture the beauty of the destinations you visit. Share your experiences on social media, create a travel journal, or simply keep the memories for yourself to cherish for years to come.

9.  The Beauty Awaits – Start Planning Today!

With its breathtaking natural landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and warm hospitality, Romania and Bulgaria are truly remarkable destinations for an unforgettable vacation. Whether you're drawn to the towering peaks of the Carpathians, the sun-drenched beaches along the Black Sea, or the vibrant cities pulsating with history, there's something to ignite the wanderlust in every traveler.

Start planning your Romania and Bulgaria tour today. Research the best travel routes, consult with experienced tour operators, and create an itinerary that caters to your interests and preferences. Whether you're a nature lover, a history buff, or a food enthusiast, these countries will captivate your heart and leave you with memories that will last a lifetime.

Embark on your next awesome vacation to explore the natural beauty and cultural wonders of Romania and Bulgaria. Get ready to be enchanted by the diverse landscapes, immerse yourself in the rich history, indulge in delicious cuisine, and create unforgettable experiences in these captivating Eastern European gems. Your adventure awaits!

Things to Do in Romania
Thingsto Do in Romania


Things to do in Romania and Bulgaria tours

There are numerous things to do and see during Romania and Bulgaria tours, offering a wide range of experiences that cater to different interests. Here are some popular activities and attractions in each country:

Things to Do in Romania:

1.  Explore Transylvania: Visit the charming town of Brasov, explore its medieval Old Town, and see the famous Black Church. Don't miss the stunning Bran Castle, commonly known as Dracula's Castle, and the fortified city of Sighisoara, a UNESCO World Heritage site.

2.  Discover Bucharest: Explore Romania's capital city and visit iconic landmarks such as the Palace of the Parliament, Revolution Square, and the Romanian Athenaeum. Take a stroll in the beautiful Herastrau Park and explore the vibrant nightlife of the city.

3.  Visit the Painted Monasteries of Bucovina: Discover the unique UNESCO-listed monasteries adorned with beautiful frescoes in vibrant colors. Voronet, Moldovita, and Sucevita monasteries are some of the highlights.

4.  Experience the Danube Delta: Take a boat tour in the largest preserved river delta in Europe. Explore its rich biodiversity, spot various bird species, and witness the unspoiled natural beauty of this unique ecosystem.

5.  Enjoy Outdoor Activities: Hike in the Carpathian Mountains, such as the Piatra Craiului National Park or Bucegi Natural Park. Go skiing in Poiana Brasov or explore the underground wonders of the Apuseni Mountains in Scarisoara Ice Cave.

Things to Do in Bulgaria:

1.  Explore Sofia: Visit the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, admire the ancient Serdica complex, and explore the National History Museum. Don't miss the beautiful Boyana Church, a UNESCO World Heritage site.

2.  Discover Plovdiv: Wander through the well-preserved Old Town, visit the Roman Amphitheatre, and explore the vibrant arts scene. Plovdiv is also a European Capital of Culture, offering a range of cultural events and festivals.

3.  Relax on the Black Sea Coast: Enjoy the sandy beaches and clear waters of resorts like Sunny Beach, Golden Sands, or Sozopol. Take part in water sports, enjoy beachside cafes, and experience the lively nightlife.

4.  Visit Rila Monastery: Explore the largest and most famous Orthodox monastery in Bulgaria, nestled in the beautiful Rila Mountains. Marvel at its stunning frescoes and architectural beauty.

5.  Experience Veliko Tarnovo: Visit the historic capital of the Second Bulgarian Empire, explore the medieval fortress of Tsarevets, and enjoy panoramic views of the Yantra River.

6.  Explore the Rhodope Mountains: Discover the natural beauty of the Rhodope Mountains, known for their picturesque landscapes, stunning caves, and charming villages like Shiroka Laka and Smolyan.

These are just a few examples of the many attractions and activities available during Romania and Bulgaria tours. Each country offers a wealth of historical, cultural, and natural treasures waiting to be explored. Depending on your interests, you can customize your itinerary to include the experiences that resonate with you the most.

Cost of per person to visit Romania and Bulgaria

The cost of visiting Romania and Bulgaria can vary depending on various factors such as travel preferences, accommodation choices, duration of stay, activities, and personal spending habits. It is difficult to provide an exact figure as it can differ greatly from person to person. However, I can provide a rough estimate of the average cost per person for a trip to Romania and Bulgaria.

Accommodation: On average, budget accommodations like hostels or guesthouses can range from $15 to $30 per night. Mid-range hotels typically cost between $50 and $100 per night, while luxury hotels can go upwards of $150 per night.

Transportation: Public transportation in Romania and Bulgaria is relatively affordable. Local buses or trams usually cost a few dollars per ride. Intercity transportation, such as trains or buses between cities, can vary in price depending on the distance and class of service. On average, expect to spend around $20 to $50 per journey.

Food: Dining out in Romania and Bulgaria can be quite affordable, especially if you choose local eateries and street food options. A budget meal can cost around $5 to $10, while a mid-range restaurant meal can range from $10 to $20 per person. Fine dining experiences will be more expensive, typically starting from $30 per person and going upwards.

Sightseeing and Activities: Entrance fees to attractions and cultural sites can vary. On average, expect to spend around $5 to $15 per attraction. Guided tours and activities may have additional costs, depending on the specific experience you choose.

Overall, a rough estimate for a moderate-budget trip to Romania and Bulgaria would be around $50 to $100 per person per day. This estimate includes accommodation, transportation, food, and some sightseeing activities. Keep in mind that this is just an approximate cost, and your actual expenses may vary depending on your travel style and preferences.

It's always recommended to research and plan your trip in advance, considering your specific interests and budget. Additionally, fluctuations in exchange rates and seasonal price variations can also affect the overall cost of your trip.

Is Romania and Bulgaria worth visiting?

Absolutely! Romania and Bulgaria are both incredibly diverse and culturally rich countries that offer a wide range of attractions and experiences. Here are some reasons why Romania and Bulgaria are worth visiting:

1.  Natural Beauty: Both Romania and Bulgaria boast stunning natural landscapes that will leave you in awe. Romania is known for its majestic Carpathian Mountains, picturesque countryside, and the breathtaking Danube Delta. Bulgaria offers a stunning Black Sea coastline, magnificent mountain ranges like Rila and Pirin, and pristine national parks. Whether you enjoy hiking, wildlife spotting, or simply immersing yourself in the tranquility of nature, these countries have plenty to offer.

2.  Rich History and Culture: Romania and Bulgaria have a fascinating history that is deeply intertwined with ancient civilizations, medieval kingdoms, and Ottoman influences. Explore medieval castles, ancient fortresses, and UNESCO World Heritage sites such as the Painted Monasteries of Bucovina in Romania or the Rila Monastery in Bulgaria. Immerse yourself in local traditions, witness vibrant festivals, and discover the unique customs and folklore that shape these countries' cultural heritage.

3.  Vibrant Cities: The capital cities of Bucharest in Romania and Sofia in Bulgaria are vibrant and dynamic, offering a mix of history, modernity, and vibrant urban life. Explore Bucharest's grand architecture, visit the Palace of the Parliament, or indulge in the lively nightlife. Discover Sofia's ancient Roman ruins, historic churches, and vibrant street art scene. Both cities offer a wealth of museums, galleries, restaurants, and shopping opportunities.

4.  Affordable Travel: Compared to other European destinations, Romania and Bulgaria offer relatively affordable travel experiences. Accommodations, dining, and transportation options are often budget-friendly, making it an attractive choice for travelers seeking value for their money.

5.  Warm Hospitality: Romanians and Bulgarians are known for their warm hospitality and friendly nature. Locals are often welcoming and eager to share their cultural heritage and traditions with visitors. Engaging with the local people can add a special dimension to your trip and create lasting memories.

6.  Off-the-Beaten-Path Experiences: Romania and Bulgaria are still relatively undiscovered by mass tourism, providing an opportunity to explore authentic and less crowded destinations. You can venture into charming villages, interact with locals, and experience a more genuine side of Eastern Europe.

Overall, Romania and Bulgaria offer a diverse range of attractions, from stunning natural landscapes to rich history and vibrant cities. Whether you're an outdoor enthusiast, a history buff, or simply seeking an off-the-beaten-path adventure, these countries have a lot to offer. So, if you're looking for unique experiences, cultural immersion, and breathtaking beauty, Romania and Bulgaria are definitely worth visiting.

Which is better Romania or Bulgaria?

The question of whether Romania or Bulgaria is better is subjective and depends on individual preferences and interests. Both countries have their own unique charms and attractions. Here are some factors to consider when deciding which country might be a better fit for you:

1.  Natural Landscapes: Romania is renowned for its stunning Carpathian Mountains, the impressive Danube Delta, and picturesque countryside. Bulgaria, on the other hand, offers beautiful Black Sea beaches, majestic mountain ranges like Rila and Pirin, and serene national parks. If you're a nature lover or enjoy outdoor activities, both countries have plenty to offer, but the specific landscapes may sway your preference.

2.  Cultural Heritage: Both Romania and Bulgaria have rich histories and cultural heritage. Romania has a strong connection to medieval history, with its beautiful castles, fortified churches, and the famous Painted Monasteries of Bucovina. Bulgaria showcases ancient civilizations, including the Thracians, as well as Roman and Byzantine influences. Consider which historical periods or architectural styles resonate more with your interests.

3.  Cities and Urban Life: Bucharest, the capital of Romania, and Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, both offer a mix of history, modernity, and vibrant urban life. Bucharest is known for its grand architecture, wide boulevards, and lively nightlife, while Sofia features ancient Roman ruins, historic churches, and a burgeoning cultural scene. If you enjoy exploring cities, consider which city's vibe and attractions align more with your preferences.

4.  Cuisine: Romanian and Bulgarian cuisines have their own distinct flavors and specialties. Romanian cuisine is influenced by neighboring countries and features dishes like sarmale (cabbage rolls), mici (grilled minced meat rolls), and papanași (fried doughnuts). Bulgarian cuisine offers delights such as banitsa (cheese-filled pastry), Shopska salad, and kavarma (meat and vegetable stew). If you're a food enthusiast, you might want to explore which cuisine appeals more to your taste buds.

5.  Cost of Living: Both Romania and Bulgaria are generally more affordable compared to other European destinations. However, the cost of living and travel expenses can vary between the two countries. It's worth considering your budget and comparing factors such as accommodation, dining, and transportation costs.

Ultimately, the "better" choice between Romania and Bulgaria depends on your personal preferences and what you value in a travel experience. It could be the natural landscapes, historical sites, cultural offerings, or even the overall atmosphere of the country. It's recommended to research and consider the specific attractions and experiences that resonate with you to make an informed decision based on your interests.

How many days in Romania  and in Bulgaria are enough?

The number of days you should spend in Romania and Bulgaria depends on several factors, including your travel preferences, the specific destinations you want to visit, and the depth of exploration you desire. However, to get a general idea, here are some suggested minimum durations for visiting Romania and Bulgaria:


  • Bucharest: 2-3 days to explore the capital city, visit museums, and experience the vibrant nightlife.
  • Transylvania: 3-5 days to explore the charming towns of Brasov, Sibiu, and Sighisoara, visit Bran Castle (Dracula's Castle), and explore the surrounding Carpathian Mountains.
  • Painted Monasteries of Bucovina: 2-3 days to visit the unique monasteries and enjoy the scenic landscapes of northern Romania.
  • Danube Delta: 2-3 days to experience the natural beauty and wildlife of the largest wetland in Europe.


  • Sofia: 2-3 days to explore the capital city, visit historical sites, museums, and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere.
  • Plovdiv: 2-3 days to explore the ancient Roman ruins, visit museums, and soak in the cultural scene of the European Capital of Culture 2019.
  • Bansko or Borovets: 2-4 days for skiing or other winter sports activities in the beautiful mountain resorts.
  • Black Sea Coast: 3-5 days to relax on the beaches, explore seaside towns like Varna and Burgas, and visit historical sites like Nessebar.

These are just rough estimates, and you can certainly spend more time in each country to further explore their attractions and immerse yourself in the local culture. If you have specific interests like hiking, wine tasting, or exploring off-the-beaten-path destinations, you may want to allocate additional days accordingly.

It's also worth considering the logistics of travel between destinations and factoring in some buffer days for relaxation and flexibility. As always, it's recommended to research the specific places you want to visit, create an itinerary based on your interests, and allow for some leisurely exploration to make the most of your time in Romania and Bulgaria.


What month is best to visit Romania & Bulgaria?

The best time to visit Romania and Bulgaria largely depends on your preferences and the activities you plan to engage in during your trip. Both countries have distinct seasons, each offering unique experiences. Here's a breakdown of the seasons and their corresponding highlights:

1.  Spring (April to June): Spring is a beautiful time to visit Romania and Bulgaria. The weather is mild, and nature comes alive with blooming flowers and lush greenery. It's an excellent time for outdoor activities such as hiking, exploring national parks, and visiting historic sites. This period also sees fewer crowds compared to the summer months.

2.  Summer (June to August): Summer is the peak tourist season in both Romania and Bulgaria. The weather is generally warm, and it's the ideal time for beach lovers to enjoy the Black Sea coast. You can soak up the sun, swim in the sea, and indulge in various water sports. It's also a great time for exploring the charming towns and cities, attending festivals, and taking part in cultural events.

3.  Autumn (September to November): Autumn brings cooler temperatures and a colorful transformation of the landscapes. The foliage displays vibrant hues, creating a picturesque setting for nature enthusiasts and photographers. September and October are particularly pleasant for outdoor activities and exploring historical sites. It's a quieter season, with fewer tourists and more affordable prices.

4.  Winter (December to February): Winter is a magical time in both Romania and Bulgaria, especially in the mountainous regions. The Carpathian Mountains in Romania and the Bulgarian mountain ranges offer excellent opportunities for winter sports like skiing and snowboarding. Winter also presents a unique chance to experience the holiday festivities, traditional markets, and warm hospitality of the locals.

Considering the various factors, the shoulder seasons of spring (April to June) and autumn (September to November) are often considered the best times to visit Romania and Bulgaria. During these periods, the weather is pleasant, and the destinations are less crowded compared to the peak summer season. However, if you have specific interests like skiing or beach activities, the summer and winter months may be more suitable.

It's important to check the specific weather patterns and regional variations for the destinations you plan to visit, as conditions can vary within the countries. Additionally, if you're interested in attending festivals or events, research the dates and plan your visit accordingly.


Romania and Bulgaria are two countries that showcase the remarkable natural beauty, cultural heritage, and captivating landscapes of Eastern Europe. From the breathtaking Carpathian Mountains in Romania to the serene Black Sea Coast in Bulgaria, these destinations offer an unforgettable vacation experience. Whether you seek adventure in the great outdoors or want to immerse yourself in the rich history and culture, Romania and Bulgaria tours will leave you with lasting memories. So, plan your next awesome vacation and embark on a journey to explore the hidden gems of Romania and Bulgaria.


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