bookmark at folkd SKR TRAVEL &INSURANCE DEALS: Unforgettable South America Family Tours: Exploring the Great Heart of the World Together at Absolutely Lowest Costs

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Unforgettable South America Family Tours: Exploring the Great Heart of the World Together at Absolutely Lowest Costs


Family Tours South America



South America, with its breathtaking landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and diverse wildlife, offers an ideal setting for unforgettable family adventures. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the wonders of South America, highlighting family-friendly destinations, activities, and accommodations that won't break the bank. Discover how you can embark on the journey of a lifetime with all-inclusive family tours to South America.

family tours south america
Family tours south America

Chapter 1: South America's Allure for Families

1.1 South America's Natural Beauty

South America's natural beauty is nothing short of awe-inspiring. From the dense jungles of the Amazon to the towering peaks of the Andes, this continent offers a diverse range of landscapes that will leave you speechless. we will delve into some of South America's most iconic natural wonders.

The Amazon Rainforest, often referred to as the "lungs of the Earth," is a testament to the power of nature. This vast expanse of lush greenery spans over 6.7 million square kilometers across nine countries. It is home to an astonishing array of biodiversity, including jaguars, giant river otters, macaws, and countless plant species. Family tours in the Amazon offer a unique opportunity for both education and adventure. Knowledgeable guides lead you through dense jungle paths, teaching you about the fascinating flora and fauna while keeping an eye out for elusive wildlife.

The Andes Mountains, the world's longest mountain range, stretch over 7,000 kilometers along the western edge of South America. These majestic peaks offer breathtaking vistas and challenging treks for outdoor enthusiasts. Hiking through the Andes with your family is an opportunity to witness nature at its most grandeur. The snow-capped peaks, pristine lakes, and Inca ruins make for an unforgettable journey.

Further south, the Patagonian region boasts stunning landscapes that seem almost otherworldly. The Perito Moreno Glacier in Argentina is a prime example of Patagonia's natural wonders. This colossal ice formation spans 250 square kilometers and is a dynamic spectacle of ice calving into Lake Argentino. Family tours to Patagonia allow you to witness this phenomenon up close and even hike on the glacier's surface.

Whether you're exploring the Amazon's jungles, hiking in the Andes, or marveling at Patagonia's glaciers, South America's natural beauty is a testament to the wonders of our planet. It's a continent that invites families to connect with nature, learn about diverse ecosystems, and create lasting memories amidst some of the world's most breathtaking scenery.

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1.2 Rich Cultural Heritage

South America is a treasure trove of rich cultural heritage, where centuries of history, tradition, and diverse influences have woven a tapestry of vibrant cultures that beckon travelers to explore and immerse themselves in its uniqueness.

One of the continent's most iconic cultural symbols is the Inca civilization, which thrived in the Andean region, primarily in modern-day Peru. The Inca's architectural marvels, such as the awe-inspiring Machu Picchu, showcase their advanced engineering skills and spiritual connection to nature. Family tours to these historical sites offer a profound educational experience as you walk in the footsteps of ancient civilizations, providing valuable insights for both young and adult travelers.

The colonial legacy of South America is evident in its charming cities and towns. Cities like Cusco in Peru and Cartagena in Colombia boast well-preserved colonial architecture, cobbled streets, and bustling plazas. Strolling through these historical districts is like stepping back in time, offering a glimpse into the region's colonial past.

South America's cultural diversity is further highlighted by its festivals and traditions. In Brazil, the Rio Carnival is a world-famous celebration of music, dance, and colorful costumes. Meanwhile, the Inti Raymi festival in Peru honors the Inca sun god with elaborate rituals and vibrant processions, providing an opportunity for families to witness and participate in these age-old traditions.

For those interested in indigenous cultures, South America is home to numerous indigenous communities, each with its unique customs and languages. Visiting these communities allows families to gain a deeper appreciation for the continent's cultural diversity and learn about their traditional ways of life.

Whether exploring ancient ruins, wandering through colonial cities, or participating in lively festivals, South America's rich cultural heritage offers a multitude of experiences for families. It's a continent where history comes to life, and every corner holds a new story waiting to be discovered, making it an ideal destination for those seeking an enriching cultural journey.

Chapter 2: Benefits of Family Tours in South America

2.1 Safety and Convenience

Safety and convenience are paramount considerations when planning a family tour to South America. This continent, while brimming with natural beauty and cultural riches, also presents unique challenges that can be managed effectively with the right approach. we'll explore why safety and convenience should be at the forefront of your South American family adventure.

Safety First:

South America, like any travel destination, has its share of safety concerns. However, with proper planning and precautions, you can have a secure and enjoyable trip. Here's why safety should be your top priority:

Local Expertise: Opting for all-inclusive family tours in South America often means having access to experienced guides who are well-versed in the region's safety measures. They are equipped to handle unforeseen situations and ensure your family's well-being.

Travel Advisories: Stay informed about travel advisories and local safety conditions. Your tour operator can provide up-to-date information and guidance on areas to avoid or precautions to take.

Health Precautions: Vaccinations and health precautions are essential when traveling to South America. Consult with your healthcare provider and follow their recommendations to protect your family from preventable diseases.

Convenience at Every Turn:

Convenience plays a significant role in the overall enjoyment of your family tour. South America offers a diverse range of experiences, and careful planning can enhance your convenience factor:

Itinerary Planning: All-inclusive family tours often come with well-structured itineraries, eliminating the need for extensive planning on your part. This ensures that your family can focus on the adventure and exploration.

Transportation: Arrange transportation in advance, whether it's flights, buses, or boats. Reliable transportation options can save you time and stress during your journey.

Accommodations: Tour packages typically include accommodations, ensuring you have a comfortable place to rest after a day of exploration. Family-friendly lodgings can make your stay more enjoyable.

Meals and Dining: Many all-inclusive tours provide meals, reducing the hassle of finding suitable dining options. It also allows your family to sample local cuisine with ease.

Activities: Guided activities and excursions are often part of the package, making it convenient to access the region's highlights without the hassle of planning each outing separately.

By prioritizing safety and convenience in your family tour to South America, you can fully immerse yourselves in the continent's wonders. With expert guidance and thoughtful planning, your journey becomes a stress-free adventure filled with unforgettable moments, ensuring that your family's safety and comfort are always taken care of.

2.2 Expert Guidance

Expert guidance is an invaluable aspect of family tours in South America. Traveling with knowledgeable guides enhances the overall experience and ensures that your family gets the most out of your adventure. In this 300-word segment, we'll explore the importance of expert guidance during your South American journey.

Deep Local Knowledge:

Cultural Insights: Expert guides in South America are well-versed in the rich cultural tapestry of the continent. They can provide insights into the history, traditions, and customs of the regions you visit, making the experience educational and enriching for your family.

Language Proficiency: South America is home to diverse languages and dialects. Expert guides often speak multiple languages, including English, Spanish, and indigenous languages, facilitating communication and allowing your family to connect with local communities.

Safety Assurance: Guides are familiar with the terrain, climate, and potential hazards of the areas you'll explore. Their expertise ensures that your family stays safe during activities such as jungle treks, mountain hikes, or wildlife encounters.

Enhanced Learning Opportunities:

Wildlife Encounters: In regions like the Amazon Rainforest or the Galápagos Islands, expert guides can identify and explain the behavior of unique wildlife species. This firsthand knowledge creates meaningful and educational wildlife encounters for your family.

Historical Context: When visiting historical sites like Machu Picchu or Inca ruins, guides provide historical context and fascinating anecdotes that bring these ancient wonders to life for your family, making history engaging and relatable.

Seamless Logistics:

Efficient Planning: Expert guides handle logistics, such as transportation, accommodation, and activity scheduling. This allows your family to focus on the adventure and exploration rather than dealing with travel details.

Adaptability: Guides are skilled at adapting the itinerary to meet your family's interests and preferences. Whether you're interested in nature, adventure, or culture, they can tailor the experience to your liking.

Local Interaction:

Connecting with Communities: Guides facilitate interactions with local communities, providing opportunities for your family to learn about and engage with indigenous cultures, traditions, and lifestyles.

Responsible Tourism: Many expert guides emphasize responsible tourism, teaching your family about sustainable practices and the importance of preserving South America's natural and cultural heritage.

In conclusion, expert guidance is an integral part of family tours in South America, enriching your journey with knowledge, safety, and cultural immersion. These guides serve as a bridge between your family and the continent's wonders, ensuring that every moment of your adventure is educational, enjoyable, and memorable.


 Chapter 3: Destinations for South America Family Tours

3.1 Exploring the Amazon Rainforest

Exploring the Amazon Rainforest is a journey into one of the most captivating and biodiverse ecosystems on our planet. This vast expanse of lush greenery, spanning nine South American countries, offers an adventure that is both exhilarating and educational.

As you venture deep into the heart of the Amazon, you'll encounter a staggering variety of flora and fauna found nowhere else on Earth. The rainforest is home to iconic species like jaguars, giant river otters, toucans, and iridescent poison dart frogs. Guided jungle treks and wildlife safaris provide a chance to witness these creatures in their natural habitat, making it an incredible experience for families.

For children, the Amazon is a living classroom where they can learn about the delicate balance of nature, the importance of conservation, and the traditions of indigenous communities. Many family tours offer opportunities to visit local tribes, providing a firsthand glimpse into their sustainable way of life.

Exploring the Amazon Rainforest is not just an adventure; it's a chance to connect with the natural world in a profound way. It's an opportunity for families to create lasting memories while gaining a deeper appreciation for the wonders of our planet and the critical need to protect this extraordinary ecosystem for future generations.

 3.2 Trekking in the Andes

Trekking in the Andes is a journey into the heart of one of the world's most awe-inspiring mountain ranges. Stretching over 7,000 kilometers along South America's western edge, the Andes offer a trekking experience unlike any other. In these 200 words, we'll explore the wonders of trekking in the Andes.

The Andes, with their towering peaks and dramatic landscapes, are a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts and adventurers of all ages. Family trekking tours in the Andes provide a unique opportunity to bond with loved ones while immersing yourself in the natural beauty of the region.

One of the most iconic trekking destinations in the Andes is Peru's Inca Trail, leading to the ancient city of Machu Picchu. This world-famous trek combines history, culture, and breathtaking scenery, making it a truly unforgettable experience for families. Along the way, you'll pass through cloud forests, explore Inca ruins, and witness panoramic views of the Andes.

In neighboring countries like Ecuador and Bolivia, you'll find equally mesmerizing trekking routes. In Ecuador, the Quilotoa Loop takes you through remote Andean villages and offers a glimpse into indigenous culture. In Bolivia, the Isla del Sol on Lake Titicaca provides a serene trek with stunning vistas of the lake and surrounding mountains.

Trekking in the Andes is a journey of discovery, where families can connect with nature, learn about ancient civilizations, and create cherished memories against a backdrop of some of the world's most breathtaking scenery.

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3.3 Cultural Immersion in Peru

Cultural immersion in Peru offers a rich and transformative experience for families, allowing them to delve into the country's vibrant heritage and history. In this exploration of Peru's cultural immersion, we'll uncover the myriad of opportunities that await visitors.

Historic Cities: Begin your cultural journey in Lima, the capital of Peru, where you can explore the historic district of Lima and its charming colonial architecture. In Cusco, the ancient capital of the Inca Empire, you'll walk along cobblestone streets lined with Inca and Spanish colonial buildings. The city's main square, Plaza de Armas, is a hub of cultural activity with museums, restaurants, and markets.

Machu Picchu: No visit to Peru is complete without a trip to Machu Picchu, the awe-inspiring Inca citadel. Explore the ruins, and with the guidance of expert tour operators, learn about the history and significance of this archaeological wonder.

Local Markets: Peruvian markets, such as the San Pedro Market in Cusco, offer an immersive experience in Peruvian culture. Families can sample exotic fruits, taste traditional dishes like ceviche, and shop for artisan crafts created by local communities.

Indigenous Encounters: Many cultural tours provide opportunities to visit indigenous communities, such as the Quechua-speaking villagers in the Sacred Valley. Here, you can participate in traditional activities, learn about Andean farming techniques, and gain insight into their way of life.

Festivals: Plan your visit to coincide with one of Peru's vibrant festivals, such as Inti Raymi, the Festival of the Sun. Witness colorful parades, traditional dances, and rituals that celebrate Peru's cultural heritage.

Cooking Classes: Peru is known for its delectable cuisine. Join a cooking class as a family and learn how to prepare classic Peruvian dishes like Lomo Saltado and Causa Rellena.

Cultural immersion in Peru allows families to connect with the country's rich history and traditions, forging a deeper appreciation for its diverse culture. It's an educational and enriching experience that creates lasting memories and fosters a sense of global awareness and understanding.

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3.4 Wildlife Encounters in the Galápagos

Wildlife encounters in the Galápagos Islands are nothing short of extraordinary. Situated in the Pacific Ocean, this isolated archipelago is renowned for its unique and fearless wildlife, making it a must-visit destination for nature enthusiasts and families alike.

The Galápagos Islands are often referred to as a living laboratory of evolution, and it's easy to see why. Here, you can come face to face with species that exist nowhere else on Earth. From the iconic Galápagos giant tortoises to the charming blue-footed boobies, the islands are home to a remarkable array of animals.

Snorkeling in the crystal-clear waters of the Galápagos allows you to swim alongside playful sea lions, graceful sea turtles, and vibrant schools of fish. Encounter curious marine iguanas feeding underwater, and spot penguins darting through the waves – a sight you'd hardly expect at the equator.

Birdwatching enthusiasts will delight in the countless avian species that call the Galápagos home. The islands are a haven for birdlife, including the waved albatross, frigatebirds, and the famous blue-footed boobies known for their comical mating dances.

The Galápagos Islands are a testament to the importance of conservation efforts. To preserve this unique ecosystem, strict regulations are in place to minimize human impact. Guided tours with expert naturalists ensure that you and your family can appreciate the incredible wildlife while respecting their habitat.

In the Galápagos, you'll embark on an unforgettable journey of discovery, witnessing some of the most remarkable and fearless creatures on Earth. It's a place where wildlife thrives, and your family can become part of the natural wonders that have inspired generations of explorers and scientists.

 Chapter 4: All-Inclusive Family Tours to South America

4.1 What Does "All-Inclusive" Mean?

All-inclusive" refers to a comprehensive travel package that typically covers a wide range of services and amenities in a single upfront price. When you book an all-inclusive trip, you generally pay for not only your accommodations but also meals, beverages, activities, and sometimes even transportation. This approach simplifies travel planning and budgeting, as you have a clear understanding of your total costs from the outset. All-inclusive packages are popular for various types of vacations, including family tours to South America, as they offer convenience and often represent good value for travelers seeking a hassle-free and cost-effective way to explore their chosen destination.

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4.2 Top Tour Operators

When planning your family tour to South America, choosing the right tour operator is crucial to ensure a smooth and enriching experience. Several top tour operators specialize in family-friendly adventures across this diverse continent.

Abercrombie & Kent - Known for luxury family travel, they offer tailored South American journeys with expert guides.

G Adventures - Offers a wide range of affordable, small-group tours suitable for families, emphasizing cultural immersion and adventure.

Intrepid Travel - Offers sustainable, small-group tours that cater to families, focusing on cultural experiences and responsible travel.

Tauck - Known for their all-inclusive luxury family tours, they provide meticulously planned South American adventures.

Thomson Family Adventures - Specializes in family-oriented tours, ensuring age-appropriate activities and enriching experiences.

National Geographic Expeditions - Offers educational family tours led by National Geographic experts, blending adventure with learning.

Exodus Travels - Provides a variety of family adventures in South America, from trekking in the Andes to exploring the Amazon.

These top tour operators offer diverse itineraries, expert guides, and a focus on creating memorable and educational experiences for families exploring South America.

Chapter 5: Planning Your Affordable South America Adventure

5.1 Budgeting for Your Trip

Budgeting for your family trip to South America is essential to ensure a stress-free and enjoyable adventure. Start by calculating your overall expenses, including airfare, accommodation, meals, activities, and miscellaneous costs. Research and choose family-friendly, cost-effective accommodations and dining options. Allocate funds for activities and souvenirs, but be flexible for unexpected expenses. Consider purchasing a travel insurance plan to safeguard your investment. To stick to your budget, track your spending and make adjustments as needed. With careful planning, you can explore South America without breaking the bank, creating priceless memories with your loved ones.

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5.2 Packing Essentials

When preparing for your family tour to South America, packing the right essentials is vital. Here's a concise list of must-pack items:

Apparel: Lightweight, moisture-wicking clothing suitable for varying climates, including breathable layers and rain gear.

Footwear: Comfortable, durable walking shoes or hiking boots for exploring diverse terrains.

Travel Documents: Passports, visas, travel insurance, and photocopies of important documents stored securely.

Medications: Prescription medications, a basic first-aid kit, and insect repellent for tropical regions.

Electronics: Cameras, chargers, power banks, and voltage converters if needed.

Travel Adapters: Adapters for different plug types used in South America.

Sun Protection: Sunscreen, sunglasses, and wide-brimmed hats for sun-drenched adventures.

Travel Backpack: A daypack for excursions and a larger backpack or suitcase with locks for convenience.

Reusable Water Bottles: To stay hydrated while reducing single-use plastic waste.

Travel Guides: Maps, guidebooks, and language phrasebooks for reference.

Remember that packing light and versatile items is key to enjoying your family tour comfortably. Tailor your packing list to the specific regions and activities you plan to explore in South America.

 Chapter 6: Making Memories Together

6.1 Activities for Families

South America offers an array of family-friendly activities that promise adventure, education, and memorable bonding moments. Here are some 100-word ideas:

Wildlife Safaris: Embark on jungle safaris in the Amazon or Galápagos to spot unique wildlife.

Hiking Adventures: Explore the Andes or Patagonia on family-friendly treks amidst stunning landscapes.

Cultural Immersion: Discover local traditions, cuisine, and music through immersive experiences.

Beach Getaways: Relax on South America's pristine beaches or enjoy water sports.

Historical Tours: Explore ancient ruins like Machu Picchu or learn about colonial history.

Cooking Classes: Participate in cooking classes to savor authentic South American flavors.

Volunteer Opportunities: Engage in community service to give back to local communities.

Rainforest Canopy Walks: Experience the jungle from treetop walkways.

These activities ensure that your family tour to South America is filled with adventure and cultural enrichment.

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6.2 Capturing the Moments

Capturing the moments of your family tour in South America is essential to preserve the memories for years to come.

Invest in a quality camera or use your smartphone with a good camera app to capture the breathtaking landscapes, vibrant street scenes, and unforgettable wildlife encounters. Take candid shots of your family enjoying local cuisine, exploring historic sites, or bonding during activities. Don't forget to document the small moments – laughter, awe, and wonder. Consider keeping a travel journal to jot down daily experiences, thoughts, and reflections. Lastly, engage with the locals, learn their stories, and photograph the people who make your journey unique, adding depth to your family's travel story.

Chapter 7: Practical Tips for Family Tours in South America

7.1 Health and Safety Precautions

Ensuring health and safety during your family tour in South America is paramount. Here's a 100-word guide on essential precautions:

Vaccinations: Consult your doctor for recommended vaccines and immunizations specific to your destinations, including yellow fever, hepatitis, and typhoid.

Travel Insurance: Purchase comprehensive travel insurance covering medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and evacuations.

Medication: Carry necessary prescription medications in their original containers, along with a basic first-aid kit.

Water Safety: Drink bottled water or use a reliable water purification method to avoid waterborne illnesses.

Sun Protection: Use sunscreen, wear protective clothing, and stay hydrated to prevent sunburn and heat-related issues.

Local Health Information: Familiarize yourself with local health facilities and emergency contact numbers.

Safety Guidelines: Follow local safety guidelines, respect wildlife, and stay informed about political and environmental conditions.

By taking these precautions, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable family adventure in South America.

trips to south america all inclusive
Trips to south america all inclusive

 7.2 Language and Communication

Navigating language barriers in South America is manageable with these tips:

Basic Phrases: Learn common greetings and essential phrases in the local language.

Translation Apps: Use smartphone apps for real-time translation.

Phrasebook: Carry a pocket-sized phrasebook for quick reference.

Body Language: Embrace gestures and non-verbal cues for effective communication.

Local Guides: Engage local guides for assistance in navigating language differences.


 Chapter 8: Reviews and Testimonials

8.1 Insights from Fellow Travelers

Gaining insights from fellow travelers can be invaluable when planning your family tour to South America. Reading their firsthand experiences and tips can help you prepare, discover hidden gems, and make the most of your adventure, ensuring a memorable and enriching journey for your family.

 Chapter 9: South America's Culinary Delights

9.1 Sampling Local Cuisine

Sampling local cuisine is a delightful part of any family tour in South America. From savoring Argentinean steaks and empanadas to trying Peruvian ceviche or Brazilian feijoada, immerse your taste buds in the flavors of the continent. Don't miss the chance to explore markets and food stalls for authentic culinary experiences.

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9.2 Cooking Classes

Participating in cooking classes during your family tour in South America is a delightful way to immerse yourselves in the local culture. These hands-on experiences offer more than just culinary skills; they provide a taste of authentic flavors and traditions. Learn to prepare traditional dishes like ceviche in Peru, empanadas in Argentina, or feijoada in Brazil. It's an opportunity for your family to bond over food, share stories with local chefs, and bring home the flavors of South America to savor long after your journey ends.

Chapter 10: Responsible Travel in South America

10.1 Eco-Friendly Practices

Embracing eco-friendly practices during your family tour in South America is crucial to preserve the region's stunning natural beauty. Opt for eco-friendly accommodations that prioritize sustainability and minimize environmental impact. Support local conservation efforts and wildlife protection initiatives, such as responsible wildlife tours. Reduce plastic waste by carrying reusable water bottles and shopping bags. Respect local ecosystems and adhere to

leave-no-trace principles when exploring nature. By making conscious choices, your family can help protect the fragile environments of South America for future generations to enjoy.

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10.2 Supporting Local Communities

Supporting local communities during your South America family tour is both meaningful and responsible. Engage in these 80 words:

Opt for locally-owned accommodations and restaurants to directly benefit the community. Purchase handicrafts and souvenirs from local artisans, promoting their crafts and traditions. Participate in community-based tourism initiatives to interact with residents and learn about their way of life. Respect local customs and traditions, and seek opportunities to contribute to local schools or environmental conservation efforts. Your responsible choices not only enrich your family's experience but also have a positive impact on the communities you visit.


Chapter 11: Extending Your Trip

11.1 Beyond South America Exploring South America is an adventure of a lifetime, but extending your trip beyond this captivating continent opens up a world of possibilities. Here's a glimpse of what lies "Beyond South America."

Consider a short flight to Central America, where you can explore the ancient Mayan ruins in Mexico, relax on the pristine beaches of Belize, or discover the vibrant culture of Guatemala. Alternatively, head south to Antarctica for a truly once-in-a-lifetime journey to the frozen continent, witnessing breathtaking landscapes and wildlife.

Eastward, explore the enchanting Galápagos Islands more extensively or venture into the diverse landscapes of Ecuador, from the lush Amazon Rainforest to the dramatic Avenue of Volcanoes.

A journey to the west could lead you to the idyllic islands of the South Pacific, where you can snorkel in crystal-clear waters, visit remote villages, and soak in the Polynesian culture.

Or, cross the Atlantic and explore the Old World, visiting Europe's historic cities, castles, and museums.

Whether you're drawn to neighboring regions or far-off continents, extending your family tour beyond South America allows you to create a more comprehensive and enriching travel experience that combines the best of multiple worlds. The possibilities are as vast and diverse as the continent you've just explored.


South America offers an abundance of opportunities for unforgettable family tours, and with all-inclusive options available, you can explore this remarkable continent at the absolutely lowest costs. From the heart of the Amazon to the heights of the Andes, South America invites your family to embark on a journey of discovery and adventure.

Plan your next family vacation to South America, where culture, nature, and affordability come together to create an unforgettable experience for you and your loved ones. Experience the joy of bonding over new discoveries and exploring the great heart of the world together.

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